Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Task # 11 - Enjoy Your Monday!!

Monday is probably the hardest day of the week for most people...The weekend is over and you have 5 days of torture ahead until the next weekend comes. Suffice to say I was not looking forward to this particular Monday, because of the whole Ottawa Sun issue with my derrière all over page 12. I was quite nervous even though I'm coming into the home stretch, it hasn't gotten easier coming in everyday worried what Mauler and Rush have in stored for me day to day, I'm constantly a ball of nerves, this girl totally needs to de-stress.

I walked into the Studio prepping myself for the worst, only to get the best news ever....A day to just ENJOY!! Who would of thought, I totally thought I was being played, like there was an underlying factor they were keeping secret, but no, genuinely they just wanted me to enjoy my day; make time for myself and chill out. Its amazing what 2 weeks of constant walking on egg shells can do to a person, because I had like 20 different things in mind that I wanted to do, it was so exciting to plan how I would go about making the day all about me. We women tend to let ourselves go by the waste side, forgetting to just enjoy the little things in life, splurge on ourselves and just feel good.

Everyone was absolutely amazing about the nearly nude photo shoot, my primary concern was that I'd be walking around work and it would be awkward because everyone saw me almost in the gitch ("Gitch" meaning almost buck - compliments of Josie), but I walked out un-scathed and somewhat feeling more confident because of all the wonderful compliments and words of encouragement. I am so blown away by how awesome people are, before this whole contest I had the idea that people were generally dinks all the time, but no, they are generally great!

It has been absolutely forever since I got my hair done last, so I figured this would be the perfect opportunity to go all out. I found this great salon on the internet called 'Pierino Scarfo' in Bells Corners and got an appt. with no hassle. The weather was great and sunny, it was like this day was meant to be enjoyed. My new stylist Natasha was unreal, she was young, pretty and knew everything about what I wanted done. She took her time and made me feel great (head massage almost put me to sleep it felt so great), and the end result was oober fantastic, I walked out feeling like a million bucks.

I met my Mom and Grandparents for dinner and caught them up on all the unreal adventures I've been doing daily throughout this contest (they don't listen to the radio much. The look on my Grandma's face was classic, and she was so excited to hear about everything I have been doing. Its been tiresome repeating the same stories over and over again, but when I told her it was like telling it for the very first time.

Monday nights are ritualistic....The Batchelor...O Jason, he's such a cutey!! I got together with all my ladies to gossip about all the Femme fatales on the show....poor Stephanie, she's such a doll, YOU WILL FIND LOVE AGAIN SOMEDAY!! I went to bed feeling really content, today was stellar...and when this contest is done, I will definitely make more time for myself to just enjoy. Thanks Almighty!!